Friday, December 27, 2013

Being an adult is hard, yo.

I want to start off, by apologizing for the title of this blog's fake 'gangsta-speak'.

I blame my friend.

She is the only person I know, who can't send a casual email to a friend without first proof reading it multiple times in order to catch any spelling and grammatical errors.

So, naturally, laughter ensued when she followed a completely innocent normal sentence with: 'yo'.

I don't recall the exact sentence, but it was something along the lines of "I have to go to bed now... I work in the morning, yo." Straight faced, and completely serious, The Queen of Grammar (as she shall now be dubbed), ended a sentence with 'yo'. 

Have I ever mentioned that I love my friends, especially when they do unexpected but hilarious things?


I've know I've been absent for a really long time now (if only I were also in a galaxy far far away too... Doctor! I want to be your next companion!! Get your blue box here this instant!! Please?)... I'm sure you're wondering why.

Since you last heard from me, I've become a full fledged grown up!! Well, sort of...

Being an adult is really hard, yo.

Mainly, I've managed to get paid enough to afford my own apartment.
All by myself. 
I'm so proud of me!!

(No this isn't an ad in my blog, it's a video of an old commercial that is supposed to add comedic value to the last couple sentences. You just had to make me explain and ruin the joke, didn't you?)
Keeping up with everything that comes along with being a grown-up, however, has been quite the struggle. I don't know how other people do it, or where they find the energy. 
Allie Brosh sometimes speaks things that happen in my head to such a perfect degree. This excerpt is from her book. You should read that, and her website ( If you have a sense of humor you'll love it. If you've ever been depressed, or just odd, you'll relate. She's amazeballs, yo!
Somebody should teach me how to be an adult, or just find a way for me to be really rich so I can stop struggling to be what I'm not. 'Cause, I make a great kid, yo! I mean, I can bond with a 5 year old like nobody's business! (well, maybe not with all 5 year olds. Just with one in particular because I'm pretty sure she's me reincarnated, despite the fact that I'm pretty sure that's not how reincarnation works).

Case in point - I actually had a real conversation with a 5 year old, where we legitimately debated the name of a character in He-Man. Or was it in She-Ra? It could have been in The Secret of the Sword, because that has both.
Hmmm... I should consult the 5 year old expert. I mean, she was totally right about the name of the villain, so she's bound to know the correct answer to this question too.

See? I'm bad at being an adult. I'm consulting a 5 year old for answers. Who is rich and wants to adopt me? 
Don't all sign up at once, I know it's tempting...
Oh, and going back to how I love the fact that my friends are as weird as me... guess what are the two favorite presents I gifted to friends this year? Go on, guess! (You'll never guess). No, it's not the hand-made bag with my grandmother's 1930's photo on it, and no it's not the two-in-one NES/SNES game system.

Give up? 
This stuff is awesome! I can bake cheese all by itself without it sticking
Friend who was mentioned earlier for saying "yo", got non-stick foil. She was so excited that she HAD to bake cookies right that instant. Win-win with that present. :)

And the other weird one, you ask?

Yup, you read that right: Ketchup. 
My friend lives in the middle of nowhere, so when she saw the Balsamic Heinz in my fridge while visiting one day, she was obsessed with finding some for herself without luck. I stumbled upon it at Target, and also saw a jalapeno one too.

She loved it sooooo much, that she literally knocked me over with a hug, smashing my nose in the process.

I love how weird & silly my friends are. I really do.