Friday, May 6, 2011

Purple Corndogs

I just remembered that I used to eat purple corndogs in elementary school.

No, not a bold purple, but a sickly purplish-pink color. Hot dogs and corn dogs are supposed to have that nice fleshy pink color to them:

(wow, shouldn't have used the word "fleshy" right there... kind of an appetite killer) but in elementary, we'd get all excited on corndog day, only to bite into something that looked not quite right.

Also fleshy cause it's got a face! It's alive!!! Aaahhh!!
hhhhmmm... after having made that picture, I'm realizing a zombie corndog with ketchup blood would have been way cooler. I'll have to make a zombie corndog for you some day in the future, just not today.

Instead, here's a picture I found online of a crazy corndog that's just not right. It could be delicious, but it's still just not quite right.

Not really sure why they would serve us something like that. Isn't there quality control for school lunches? Maybe not. I do recall crinkle fries being served. I love fries, but despise crinkle fries. They're like little crimped monsters of no flavor.

You'd think kids would react like John Oliver did in the Purple Dinner Incident of 1981 to things like purple hot dogs and crimped bland fries, but for some reason, children of all picky-ness levels still eat them. Maybe it's the novelty of them being different? My mom did get me to eat broccoli by telling me they were little trees (honestly not sure why that worked - you don't eat big trees), and olives were fun cause you could stick them on your fingertips.

But purple hot dogs? Was it that kids like purple things? Is that how Grimace (essentially a monster of sorts) could help convince kids to eat Happy Meals?

(Disclaimer: found this picture online. Don't sue me for it. Imitation is flattery, or something.)
Apparently purple is delicious to kids, and kids are delicious to purple.

(Disclaimer: again... not mine. Found online. But you should know that cause who doesn't remember the One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater?)

Mmmmmmmmm.... Purple....

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