Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Appreciate a Dragon Day

So, I have this friend who lives in another state, and we only have random text conversations once in a while.

Tonight he starts off asking if I'm on Twitter, (which I'm not because I have Facebook and also recently have become obssessed with Pinterest, and I really don't need an addiction added to the collection that dumbs me down to something shorter than a Facebook status update). He asks me what Pinterest is, and I try my best to explain the concept of a virtual pinboard to a boy who probably has no idea what a real life one is.
Then he asks me where I was on MLK day...(Random jump in topic, I know, but that's how a lot of my friends work. Their randomness amuses me to no end.)

Here's where I have to backtrack...

Basically, before the internet was available on cell phones, I entertained myself at boring holiday events by texting everyone in my phone with a "Happy Whatever Holiday it is" text. This resulted in many texts back providing me with a false image of being much more popular and loved than I actually am. As I love fairy tales and science fiction and everything that is completely opposite of reality, this was exciting. Yay!

My friend (hhmmmm, I didn't nickname him yet did I? Let's call him Corn cause it makes sense to me and not to anyone else, and I think it's funny to confuse people on purpose once in a while)... So, Corn is always very pleased to receive my holiday texts, and gives me crap if he thinks I've missed a holiday.

Aaaaannnnnnddddd, now we're back on track again. Yippee!

So he gives me crap about not texting him "Happy MLK Day!", and after a moment of internet searching to prove my point, I find this site:

My reply to him is as follows: "I don't text on all holidays in existence. That would be a lot of texting. Technically everyday is a holiday, for example... yesterday was "Appreciate a Dragon Day."

Corn: "I think you're a racist."

Me: "Against Dragons? You got me."

Corn:   :b

Me:     :)

Happy Belated Appreciate a Dragon Day guys!!

(I'm not really racist. Dragons are awesome!!)

UPDATE (Jan 20th):

Corn: "I will never forgive you for missing MLK day"
Me: "Happy National Cheese Lovers Day!!"

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