So, today (and by today, I mean like a month ago when I forgot to post this) I decided to be healthy (for reals) and eat some Moroccan Spiced Quinoa Salad, but proceeded to spill a bunch on my keyboard. (One of the reasons why I should really stop eating near computers).
So, I laugh it off and tell my friend (let's call her Oracle, or maybe Editor. I may go back and forth, so pay attention and keep up) about my klutziness, and she asks if I've got canned air.
My first thought is how odd it is that humans put air in a can and then sell it... that sounds like more of a scam than bottled water. There must be a conspiracy.
I of course have never purchased such silliness, as air is free everywhere. I can get it pressurized using my own lungs too!!!
We then discuss how there's all sorts of junk probably living in my keyboard, and that using the canned air will get rid of it/kill it.
Which leads me to my second thought...
The Oracle wants me to murder the Whovian village that lives in my keyboard!!!
That would be Whovian genocide!!!
However, if they're evil as she claims, then it'll be like killing Dalek's = for the greater good of Ing-kind. So maybe I should invest in some...
(a billion points* if you noticed any of the Doctor Who references. A trillion points* if you noticed that the Dr. Seuss species that Horton hears, have the same name as Doctor Who fans...or maybe I accidentally made that up and Horton's critters are just plurally called "Who's" or something...hhhmmmm...)
*Disclaimer: points have no actual monetary value and are just there to tell you how awesome you are.
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