Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So, about 3 years ago Best Friend lived with me. And she talked me into allowing her to get a dog. Since I'm a sucker for cute fuzzy critters, I said yes. I shouldn't have because I severely underestimated the potty training of puppies... but I said yes and soon fell in love with this little dog named Bailey. (not bestiality kind of love, ewww! That would be sick and wrong. What are you thinking? How dare you figuratively molest a poor puppy with your mind!!)

As a puppy, Bailey would be all cute and non-begging even though she really was begging.

Then she'd get so quiet and patient that I'd forget she was there... and it was right about that moment that she'd go "RUFF!!!" and I'd jump like a mile off the couch (and yes she said "ruff" cause that's what puppies say. Grown up dogs say "woof").  Then she'd do that happy puppy prance as though it was the funniest thing ever.

                                                       Good thing I love that dog.

 One day, for some reason that I can't recall, Best Friend begged me to dog-sit Bailey and bring her to work with me.

She behaved pretty well considering she was in a place with lots of new smells. For a while, she just stared at me with big doe eyes.

And as dogs are wont to do.... she tried her best to convince me that I liked dog slobber all over my face.

Finally she conceded to just sleep under my desk.

To this day I'll never understand how a power strip is a comfy pillow.

Then again... she does like sleeping in bathtubs...

The End.
(or is it...?? dun dun duuuuuunnnn....)

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