Friday, January 7, 2011


So, I'm pretty sure I'm part vampire part werewolf.

First off, I'm pretty pale. You can see all my veins, but I'll leave that out of my pictures, they're frightening enough as is. 

I also have really skinny claw like fingers, and dry calloused feet (which obviously means that I run around without shoes, right? Werewolves don't wear shoes. That would just be silly.)

I don't enter peoples homes uninvited.

Don't tell me to 'just stop by anytime' cause I won't. I need a new invitation every time. And sometimes a text/call asking "are you coming? I'm here". 

I guess I sorta have consumed blood... sometimes my lips get dry and they crack, and then rather than get a tissue I just lick my lips. It's kinda coppery.

I prefer to be awake at night, and once a month I'm a cranky and might snap at you with my sharp teeth.


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